Our Services
Our Clients
The following are just a small sampling of our clients that have benefited from our services.

“Our experience with ICS was excellent. Our staff were burdened with providing education and support for our 33,000 users and Ms. Davis came in and essentially relieved us of the need to finalize our project management requirements. The project closeout performed by Ms. Davis and supported by ICS was thorough, organized and professional.”
Paul Sharpe, Trauma/Critical Care Coordinator, VDH

“Great team to work with because of their knowledge and expertise and desire to meet customers needs. Very flexible to accommodate our changing needs and timelines. Very professional and knowledgeable staff.”
Don Darr, Associate Budget Director, DPB

“Lisa did a great job for us. We are already starting to work with VITA to implement the plan that she developed for us for our server architecture.”
Matt Davis, CIO, VDE

“The deadline for the effort kept getting pushed out by months due to DMV staff availability. I was worried ICS would not be able to ‘stick around’ but they were able to accommodate DMV to the fullest adjusting their hours to meet our needs and still coming in under budget! The consistent professionalism and energy of the ICS staff was refreshing and kept the effort moving forward. Good people to work with bringing a high level of integrity to the working relationship.”
David Burhop, Assistant Commissioner, DMV

“ICS was very responsive when the originally placed consultant was unexpectedly unable to complete the assignment. Within one week ICS presented me with resumes for two highly qualified candidates from which to choose. And the assignment was completed on time and very successfully.”
Carol Gottschalk, CIO, Arista Laboratories

“ICS is an excellent consulting services company, providing the right consultants, maintaining a very positive relationship with VDOT, and has been willing to assist in every manner possible. I appreciate your services and professionalism.”
Juanita E. Mack, IT Governance Manager, VDOT
About Us
On May 5th, 2005 a new professional services consulting firm was launched in Richmond Virginia. The focus of the firm’s service portfolio would be centered on an organization’s business operation to assist it in all aspects of its information technology investments. The goal of the firm was to supply consulting services of the highest quality at the most economical cost possible. The quality of these services and the performance of the firm would be measured by the customer’s satisfaction and so International Consulting Services LLC (ICS) was born.
Now, more than a decade later, the firm has grown to be one of the best known firms in the Richmond public sector, serving Virginia state government and local governments across Virginia. ICS knows that its goal of high quality services at an economic cost will never totally be achieved as we continually move the bar higher and higher, but it has certainly been recognized by our customers, evident by an average satisfaction rating of 4.65 out of a possible 5. In addition, 100% of the customer satisfaction surveys returned state that customers would willingly re-engage and highly recommend ICS.
John Wheatley is the President of International Consulting Services LLC (ICS). John has worked as a consultant within Virginia state government since May of 1999. In John’s time in Virginia, he has built a reputation as a professional and has proven his ability to deliver professional and quality services and results to his clients. John and ICS have worked for a variety of clients in the government, private and non-profit sectors. He has worked with all levels of organizations from CEOs to employees. He has had the privilege of working with key individuals within Virginia government, such as Jane Kusiak, the Executive Director for the Council on Virginia’s Future, and Honorable Ric Brown, Secretary of Finance and Director for the Department of Planning and Budget for the Warner, Kaine and McDonnell administrations.
As a Business Development Manager, Christina Stauffer specializes at brokering collaborative partnerships with 15+ years experience planning and successfully running business development initiatives spanning private, non-profit, and public platforms. She enthusiastically works with multiple stakeholders, building trusted relationships with clients through her hybrid of expertise in policy initiatives, contract negotiations, organizational culture, ROI strategies, and design thinking. Christina earned her Master of Public Administration from Villanova University with a research emphasis on the rising fourth business class, for-benefit organizations, uncovering the positive effects of a business landscape that contributes to profit, policy, and philanthropy. In her personal time, Christina enjoys traveling abroad as an amateur photographer with an eye for landscapes and architecture.
Contact Christina: cstauffer@icsllconline.com