Business Continuity

In the days since 9-11, Hurricane Katrina and other major disasters, it has become increasingly important for businesses to be prepared for any kind of disruption to daily activities. Business Continuity Planning prepares an organization to be able to continue critical operations within a predetermined time after an event of any type that has disrupted service delivery.

Business Continuity Planning prepares an organization by identifying mission-critical processes that must continue in the face of a disruption. By identifying and documenting critical processes and alternative approaches to executing these processes, an organization will be prepared.

These alternative approaches to execution will take into account key elements such as when, where and by whom, taking into account the possibility that while the organization my be experiencing a disruption so may be many of its employees at an individual level.

Business Continuity Planning can also encompass and assist IT disaster recovery by helping identify critical systems through a business impact analysis (BIA) and risk assessment (RA). The BIA and RA will help the organization understand and identify system and application priorities.

Business Continuity Tip